Congratulations! You’re Officially a VIP!
Your special Prophecy VIP event bonuses are here below…
Please also make sure you watch the special welcome video that was recorded by the national radio host
Buck Sexton. You can watch that right now by clicking here.
Text reminders and updates
First off, your phone number has been added to receive important reminders and updates about the coming
event. (Reminder, The Prophecy gets underway on Wednesday March 12th at 11:02 AM ET.)
Details on what Mason Sexton believes will happen starting on March 20th,
From Mason—Last Hurrah before the crash…
“March 20th could mark an important trend change. This could be the
last hurrah for the market before a significant correction that could happen anytime after. But the
period from June 15th to June 22nd July could be especially critical and has
highest probability of a containing a significant “decline/correction” of any time frame in
Just how much could the market tank? And can President Trump do anything to prevent this from happening?
Tune in for The Prophecy on March 12th as Mason will answer this in great detail.
Mason sees several very specific turns in the market and will lay this all out for you then.
The 3 Most Critical Dates from 2025 to 2027
In addition to the March 20th to June 22nd timeline this year… Other very
key/important dates are:
September 2025… March 2026 as well as well as January 2027.
What do you think will happen from September 2025 to March 2026? Then, why does Mason believe January
2027 will mark a critical point for the market? Make your own prediction…
What do you think Mason sees coming?
He is predicting for the stock market has a very precise shape to it over the next 2
years… And he will reveal this in detail at The Prophecy event. As well as several
elements he believes might occur that extend beyond the stock market.
Mason's VIP Hotline!
During The Prophecy, there will be a special extended Q&A session at the end. As a VIP,
we've set up a special hotline that you can call in and leave your question for Mason. The hotline
number is 410-205-9293.
Surprise Bonus
Here is a look at one of the most profitable calls Mason Sexton made in the last 24 months.
It all happened on February 1st , 2023, at 4 PM ET…
That’s when Mason sent a private email to his list of hedge fund clients.
The subject line was: “GLD approaching important resistance in price and time near $181-182 in
next two weeks.”
The email started …
The last time we recommended GLD on the long side was exactly one year ago at a price near $168
looking for a "minimum test of $175-177...and next resistance at 184-185 by the Spring".
Subsequently the index reached 193.80 on March 8th. One month later our PS (price stop) was
elected at approx. $180 resulting in a profit of nearly $12…
This time around, though. Mason predicted gold would turn the other way… and recommended a play on
the downside.
He went on to say...
At this point GLD has rallied into strong resistance in both PRICE and TIME
presenting the probability of a local top and a meaningful correction into this coming Spring.
This small passage contains part of the secret that has made Mason so successful over the last 40 years
(but not the most controversial part of his method). And, on March 12th, he will go into
detail about his full method to elite Paradigm Press members like you for the first time ever.
However, to continue with the above example…
Here’s what happened to gold as soon as Mason sent this email…
It dropped right off a cliff! Starting a 100-point price decline the very next
What kind of profit could you have made from this move?
Well… GLD (that Mason mentions in his email) is the ETF that tracks Gold.
Many of Mason Sexton’s clients use leverage or options to play Mason’s calls…
While there’s no way to know for sure if any of Mason’s clients acted on this call…
And how many of these you could have bought…
On February 1st is was possible to buy an riskier option on GLD for $0.04 that went up
to—get this—$2.54…
Just two days later!
That’s an increase of 6,200%!
To put this in perspective…
That means, if anyone placed this trade….
$1,000 invested could have turned into $63,000…
In two days.
This is a precise example of exactly why hedge funds have paid him between $60,000 to $100,000+ a year.
The ability to predict very precise turns in the market with exactitude can lead to massive
Especially in a “seesaw” market like today that’s prone to wild daily swings on
Which means opportunities like this are almost guaranteed to repeat.
Remember: On March 12th, Mason will give his full, in-depth forecast for what
he sees will happen in the market over the next 2 years (and beyond).
Remember, his precise multi-year forecasts were kept private and reserved to his private clients for over
30 years…
But what he sees coming is too important to stay silent.
So, we hope—as one of his esteemed VIPs—you’ll make it a point to be there at 11:02 AM
to join in.
(And, if you arrive 10 minutes early, so much the better.)
Remember to keep checking this website (and your emails) as more content will be added regularly,
including videos that will feature Mason Sexton.
And also don’t forget (if you haven’t done so already) to watch the welcome video recorded by
Buck Sexton. Click here to watch that now.
Last—if you haven’t done so already, please add The Prophecy event in your calendar.
You can do so below:
Also, just a reminder. Please make sure you mark the date (and time) of
the coming event on your calendar or on your phone or tablet.
The event goes live Wednesday, March 12th,
at 11:02 AM ET
Thank you for being one of our VIPs.